Darkness No More
I have loved and hated the notion of daylight savings time. As a child, an extra hour of late afternoon sun was perfectly wonderful in the spring and summer - I could stay out late, riding bikes through the neighborhood with my friends.
But in autumn, it meant coming home from Brownies or children’s choir or piano lessons in the dark, continuing through the long winter.
The contrast of light and dark has deep meaning in many areas of life.
And now, as we move toward Advent, in the dark we make preparations.
Jesus, the Light of the World, is coming.
Are you ready?
We can choose to hold onto the darkness, concealing ourselves in the murky shadows. But the true Light will always find us.
In a moonless, black midnight we may believe we can hide. But only for a time. The instant a pinprick of light pierces the darkness, it has no choice but to fly.
Night never rules.
The Bright Morning Star will scatter the dark, His penetrating light reaching every fragment of creation . . . in an instant.
Darkness flees - it cannot master the Light.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:5 NIV
So prepare the way.
The brightest, truest Light approaches…
Today is a GOOD day!