Confidence on the Water

Have you ever made a decision, agreed to it and are excited about it, but as the starting point draws closer, everything becomes a little larger and overwhelming? It’s not that you’ve made a wrong decision – it’s that you’ve made a big, hard decision, one that won’t be lived out easily. You’re stepping out of the boat.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

Matthew 14:29-30 NIV

We are packing up to move back to South Carolina in just a few weeks, to the place where my husband and I grew up. It’s a decision we made based on many factors.

And right now this stepping out of the boat seems both brave and challenging.

There will be new opportunities, new doctors, new working spaces. We will be closer to our kids, extended family and sending church - but far from our Texas life, Texas friends and Texas church. The water looks a little choppy.

Here’s what I’m learning about these hard decisions: God is there in the waves when I climb out of the boat.

The beginning of new things is often scary and requires adjustment. In our haste to regain confidence, we second-guess our decisions, wondering if we have what it takes to follow through. We question whether the difficult choice could be a wrong choice. But in reality, what we have is a bit of healthy fear that, with patience, will subside in time.

The choice remains: step out on the water or step back into the boat. God never means for us to live in the stifling struggle of the in-between. 

Instead, we make the best, prayerful decisions we can and then rely on Him to walk with us through those scary first jitters and settling in. He doesn’t require us to know every outcome of our decisions - only to have faith that He can make all things work for good.

Immediately Jesus reached out his hand, caught hold of him, and said to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”

Matthew 14:31 CSB

When we rely on Him, all things are possible. 

So today, if you’re taking a step of faith and feeling a little scared, lean into God. You don’t have to know everything - He is there to help you through all the difficulties.

The Lord doesn't leave you stranded on the waves, but walks across the water to take your hand, because that’s the kind of loving, faithful God He is.

You need only ask.

In confidence, press on!

Today is a GOOD day!



Darkness No More


The Shape of Faith