Summer Rest

Return to your rest, my soul,

 for the Lord has been good to you.

Psalm 116:7 NIV

I’ve never been a napper. I remember as a young child at the beach in the summer, returning to the beach house to have lunch and rest time. I’d lie on the bed and try to go to sleep, when all I really wanted was to do the afternoon’s next fun thing.

Thankfully, napping and resting are two different things.

Mom used to say that even if you couldn’t fall asleep, lying down and closing your eyes was still resting. And I know this to be true - it’s restorative, both physically and emotionally.

Resting can be difficult for me because I’m a habitual doer. I have a limited amount of energy each day and once 7pm hits - I’m toast. So I go. And I go hard - all day.

But this summer, I’m trying to take a step back and rest a little each day, reading or sitting outside or closing my eyes for at least a few minutes.

Rest is important for our souls.

St. Augustine wrote: “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.”

Resting in God - His plans, His pace, His provision - gives us a landing place in this nonstop world. Here we can pause to take a deep breath. Find a restorative quiet. Rest a moment before moving forward in the day.

I know this truth: God Himself rested on the seventh day of creation, so it must be the right thing to do.

He set an example for us, confirmed by many accounts of Jesus going away by Himself to have a quiet moment with His Father.

Rest is not an option, but a requirement. It is necessary to lead the full and complete spiritual life God has called us to.

So seek out a few minutes each day this summer and rest from your nonstop life.

Restore your soul.

Today is a GOOD day!


Shells and Provision


A Simple Life