A Simple Life
Having moved from one of the country’s largest cities, small town living has helped me slow down.
There aren’t lots of places to go here, but our home offers plenty of weekend chores that I really enjoy: working in our raised-bed garden, enlarging the flowerbeds, even weeding! Little by little we are expanding our gardening and home projects and we plan to be beekeepers by next spring.
All of these activities require focus and a bit of elbow grease - but we find them so enjoyable. And I love feeling tired when I go to bed, knowing I’ve spent my Saturday working hard outside.
At the moment, living a life of simplicity is a popular trend and it seems that lots of people are on board with the premise of it.
But the execution? Well, that may be a more difficult commitment.
What distracts me from living a more simple life?
Sometimes nothing.
Sometimes everything.
Our world is caught in a whirlwind of constant motion. Momentum propels us from one thing to the next - phone, Instagram, iPad, Netflix, streaming, YouTube - and we can feel powerless against the perpetual distraction.
But multitasking is NOT a spiritual gift.
If we look at Christ’s example of life here on earth, He’s not really into multitasking is He? He’s also not too busy to steal away a few precious hours in prayer. Time with His Father is a nonnegotiable commodity.
Here are a few steps in the road to simplicity, whether you’re making a phone call or reading an email, eating dinner or washing the dishes:
🌱 Focus on the one thing you’re doing and do it well.
🌱 Make frequent returns to your Father throughout the day to renew and restore.
🌱 Breathe deeply and ask Him, “What’s next?”
🌱 Practice gratitude, thanking Him for the daily good work you have to do.
Simplifying our lives is a tall order. But the benefits are invaluable.
A simple life is a beautiful, priceless gift.
How are you cultivating it?
Today is a GOOD day,