
We traveled to Galveston State Park a weekend ago. Our site was on the bay side of the park, surrounded by expansive marsh. The landscape was beautiful in its untamed way. 

On our second night, Steven was grilling and called me outside because he spotted a coyote in the distance. While it was still fairly far away, we watched. And, watching us, it warily came closer and closer to the campsite. It seemed curious, not aggressive or desperate. 

Eventually it turned around and lumbered back into the camouflage of the marsh.

Another one of those great nature encounters I love so much!

I wonder who’s watching us right now, someone a little ways off but looking intently, curiously at our lives? What do they see?

Just as we didn’t invite the coyote to join us for dinner, sometimes we’re not as welcoming as we should be. Though we are bearers of Christ’s love, we may sometimes seem unapproachable. Many will keep us at arm’s length because, while they are curious, they are also skeptical.

God is constantly putting new people in our lives with a purpose: to meet them where they are. To come alongside them and share in their struggles. To offer comfort in their pain. To offer ourselves in their joys and sorrows.

How can we be more conscious of these opportunities? 

Slow life down just a little. Pray and then be attentive to the gentle nudge of God. Take the first step towards getting to know someone new. 

This is how we open our hearts and hands . . . how we open our lives. We meet others as Jesus would. As He’s met us.

Pray about how God might use you today.

Live a life of love.

Responsive Reading from Titus 3:4-7 NLT

When God our Savior revealed His kindness and love, He saved us;

Show us how to lovingly extend Your compassion.

Not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy. 

Teach us how to lovingly share Your message.

He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit.

Help us to lovingly explain Your purpose.

He generously poured out the Spirit upon us through Jesus Christ our Savior. 

Let us keep in step with the Spirit and live like our gracious, loving Savior.

Because of His grace He made us right in His sight and gave us confidence that we will inherit eternal life.

Give us opportunities to express this loving assurance to others. 

Help us to live a life of love.


Today is a GOOD day!



Only at Night


Hope in the Desolate Valley