
Send me your light and your faithful care, let them lead me.

~ Psalm 43:3 NIV

It's been so hot this summer!

Visiting South Carolina during the recent heat wave, I resorted to using the treadmill most mornings. I haven’t walked on a treadmill in quite a while, but I definitely remembered the rules as soon as I stepped on.

Rule 1: Start slow.

Rule 2: Build up.

Final, unbreakable Rule 3: No standing still on the moving belt.

Success on the treadmill is completely dependent on putting one foot in front of the other. If you make the mistake of standing still, you’ll roll right off the back, which doesn't usually end well.

Pace becomes automatic - even as you turn the page of your book or change the channel on the TV or adjust the volume of your music. In treadmill walking, you just keep going.

Life is a lot like that.

When we get stuck, we may find ourselves rolling backwards. If we get distracted, we’re likely to miss a few steps and roll perilously close to the edge. But if we regularly take the next step, we keep moving forward. Little by little, we pick up a steady pace.

Do you sometimes feel like you're distracted and are beginning to roll backwards?

Do you ever feel stuck?

God will help you take the next step - just ask. He's there at the first when you're just beginning to set the pace. And He's there for the next step and the next one and the next one. Before you know it, He's walking with you straight through the stuck place and on to a healthy walk again.

He knows when we need a break, too. He's there beside us as we step off for a rest, take a few deep breaths and grab some water. Refueled, we jump right back on.

It doesn’t matter if we start at a crawl or if we're speed walking, God helps us move forward in life. And while He's pacing us, He's developing our character and integrity. He's our ever-present companion who teaches us to be completely dependent on Him. He constantly proves His steadfastness, never leaving us alone.

So keep your eyes fixed on the only perfect Guide who knows your life's best pace.

It's time to take the next step.


Verses to Pray

But my eyes are fixed on you, Sovereign Lord.

Psalm 141:8 NIV

The Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.

Psalm 121:8 NIV

Since you are my rock and my fortress,
for the sake of your name lead and guide me.

Psalm 31:3 NIV

Keep walking with Him;
today is a GOOD day!

~ Natalie


Summer of the Birds


No Fear