Join the Journey
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” ~Helen Keller
You know those times we have “adventures” - when getting from point A to point B becomes something to remember?
Once I flew from SC to Alaska with our three young children, Steven having gone ahead in our car. At our layover in Atlanta with our newly adopted non-English speaking son in tow (I had a vise-grip on his hand for safety), I almost left our nine-year-old standing on the train platform as we boarded to go to a different concourse. Luckily, another Mom on the train saw what was happening and grabbed him. I was ready to cry, as I had been since that stressful day began.
Then there was the time we were driving through an unpopulated expanse of western Canada and we stopped at a hole-in-the-wall restaurant for a bathroom break. As the kids and I waited in the car for Steven, a man distractedly opened our driver’s door and got in. He looked at me, gasped at his mistake and jumped out, thoroughly embarrassed and apologizing profusely. We had trouble telling Steven what had happened because we were all laughing so hard.
Journeys can create memories that we recall for the rest of our lives.
Today, Ash Wednesday, begins such a journey.
And God is inviting us to take part in it.
This journey has a destination that will change our lives forever. There will be breathtaking moments. And there will be agonizing scenes.
As we begin to travel through Lent, let’s commit ourselves to the journey.
Jesus will miraculously heal and deliver and forgive. He will feed the hungry. He will walk on water. He will proclaim the Good News.
“The time promised by God has come at last!” He announced. “The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News!”
Mark 1:15 NLT
But He will also lament and grieve and be disappointed. He will be persecuted. He will be convicted. And He will die.
Jesus said, “It is finished.”
John 19:30 NIV
As difficult as it is, we must journey to the cross to find the empty tomb.
Really living in Lent means walking alongside Him. Noticing the way He notices. Loving the way He loves.
It means feeling all the wonder-filled, the stunning, the miraculous moments.
But also feeling the jolting, tremendous anguish, too.
We must walk this long path of the cross in order to find the rescue of the resurrection.
So walk it we shall.
We cannot get there any other way.
Today is a GOOD day!